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What assistive technology is available for my child?
We have allocated iPads for some pupils requiring assistive technology in class and home-learning.
Software such as ‘Clicker’ has been installed and communication software such as ‘Widget’ is used to set up individual timetables, communication cards, visual resources and specific writing frames for pupils. For pupils with visual and/or hearing impairments, we work alongside the advisory teachers who recommend the most appropriate equipment, assisted technology and training.
What SEND training do staff receive?
The SENDCo is a qualified teacher and meets the statutory standards for practice including those necessary to ensure full accreditation. Our CPD schedule each year ensures a full programme of additional training to meet the needs of all pupils. The SENDCo leads termly staff meetings and gives regular updates to all staff on issues and support for pupils with SEND.
How will the school ensure that my child will be included in all activities at school?
Drapers’ Pyrgo is an inclusive school where everyone is welcomed and supported to achieve. Activities and school trips are available to all. All school trips require a risk assessment to ensure the venue can cater for all our pupils. Sometimes additional support is required on visits so we would ensure an additional staff member is available but in some circumstances, we may ask the parent/ carer to attend to make the child feel more comfortable. All extra-curricular clubs and activities are open to all pupils and if 1:1 support is required then this will be arranged.
How is the school accessible to children with SEND?
We meet the requirements of the amended Disability Discrimination Act that came into effect in September 2002. All reasonable steps are taken to ensure that these children are not placed at a substantial disadvantage compared with non-disabled children. The school is committed to providing an environment that allows disabled children full access to all areas of learning. All our classroom entrances are wide enough for wheelchair access, and the designated points of entry for our school also allow wheelchair access. We have an accessible shower room and accessible toilets across the school.
How will Drapers’ Pyrgo Primary support my child’s medical needs?
We work closely with the School Nurse to ensure pupils with medical needs are supported effectively. If a pupil has a medical need a detailed Health Care Plan is compiled by the School Nurse in consultation with parents/carers and a member of school staff. These care plans are discussed with all staff involved and if necessary appropriate training is given. If a pupil needs medication to be administered other than stated on the health care plan, then an ‘Administering Medicine’ form needs to be completed and signed by the parent/carer. We have a School Welfare Officer and a dedicated Medical Room.
How will Drapers’ Pyrgo Primary support my child to change classes and/or move on to a new school when they reach the appropriate stage(s)?
On-Entry to the school parents/carers are invited to a meeting so that they know what to expect and are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the school. Home visits are completed for all children in the EYFS. Where concerns are raised the school SENDCo may also visit the setting or a Person Centred Review Meeting may be held. At the end of every academic year, the pupil’s current class teacher will meet with the class teacher for the next year. In this meeting they will discuss the needs of the whole child, including discussion regarding their Individual Pupil Passport.
How are Drapers’ Pyrgo Primary resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
The SEN Budget is allocated each financial year and is used to provide additional support or resources dependant on individual needs. The level of support needed is individual to each child and is decided in consultation with the class teacher, SENDCo and Senior Leadership Team.
How do you keep my child’s SEND needs confidential at Drapers’ Pyrgo Primary?
All pupil information and reports are of a sensitive nature and its confidentiality should be treated with the upmost respect. SENDs pupil passports and reports are kept safely and in files in the classroom. The SENDCo will also keep copies. They will also monitor each child’s progress, alongside the class teacher and the Head Teacher informed of any action taken.