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Vision, Ethos & Values

British Values

Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory School adopts an inclusive approach to education that recognises that there are many ways of connecting with ‘Britishness.’ We encourage children to develop a reflective and thoughtful approach to improving their knowledge, awareness, understanding, and respect for diversity. This is supported by our own 5 key values which are an integral part of everything we do in school.

We recognise that these values are essential in fostering a climate which is conducive to learning as well as being the building blocks to forge and sustain strong relationships across the whole school community. Through equipping the children with these skills we are preparing them, giving them a sense of respect and reflection that is necessary for life in modern Britain.

There are many factors that make up our ‘British values’ here at Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory, and you will find these are woven into our 5 key Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory values. We believe that an understanding of British values means a deep understanding of: Individual liberty and freedom for all, mutual respect and tolerance, democracy and rule of law.

We follow the Jigsaw PSHE Scheme and our pupils are taught through termly themes: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me and Relationships.

At Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory School we celebrate Compassion, Achievement, Responsibility, Enjoyment and Respect.

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As stated in our mission statement, at Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory, we feel that children learn best in an environment which is free from prejudice and we actively promote mutual respect and tolerance of others. We discuss and share practices, celebrations and experiences with the utmost compassion and sensitively challenge those whose views are not in line with those of our British Values. It is essential that our children understand the similarities and differences between themselves and others amongst families, faiths, communities, cultures and traditions.


As stated in our mission statement, at Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory we provide equal opportunities for all children, families and staff and as such we strive to breakdown all barriers to children’s learning. We believe in Individual Liberty and feel that every achievement is an achievement worth celebrating. With the help of our home school workers, assemblies and parent consultations we are able to ensure every child’s achievements however big or small, academic or personal are acknowledged, valued and shared with those who are important to them resulting in a higher sense of worth and achievement.


Our aim is to ensure ‘enjoyment in learning through excellence in teaching’ for all our children, families and Staff here at Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory. We encourage Individual Liberty through focusing highly on individual’s self-confidence and self-awareness, encouraging each child to have a positive sense of themselves, their abilities and interests. Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory is a place where children are provided with a range of experiences allowing them to explore their feelings and responsibilities, reflect on their differences and feel free to discuss their personal opinions in a safe environment. We provide each child with opportunities to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities as well as providing a safe environment for reflection.


At Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory, our children learn the purpose and value of Democracy through our School Council. Through a focus on self-confidence and self-awareness, we encourage our children to see their role in the bigger picture, be it in their friendship group, class group, school group, community group or family group. Turn-taking, sharing, collaboration and voting are all everyday activities that are used at Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory to promote democracy ensuring that each opinion, view and feeling is listened to and valued.


We believe that each child should be given the respect of each member of staff, child and the wider community, likewise, we expect the same in return regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. We strive to guide each child to a deep understanding of mutual respect and tolerance for themselves and others guided by our learning in Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). Each member of staff at Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory works together to create an ethos of inclusivity where views, faiths, cultures and races are valued, discussed and celebrated.

We encourage children at Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory to take responsibility for their individual and group actions through our Ready Respectful Safe behaviour approach. It is important that our children understand the Rule of Law for living in Britain; that they acknowledge right and wrong actions, and can inhibit themselves as well as supporting others to make good choices.

Pupils develop a deeper understaning about our school values, themes and understanding of the world through our weekly assemblies and our inclusive curriculum.

Jigsaw Whole School Overview

Autumn Term 1

Being Me in My World

Autumn Term 2

Celebrating Differences
(including anti-bullying)

Spring Term 1

Dreams and Goals

Spring Term 2

Healthy Me

Summer Term 1


Summer Term 2

Changing Me



Values Assembly

Senior Leadership


Sing Up!

Miss Townsend



Mr Moul


Curriculum Capital

Mr Fogarty



Mrs Fisk