Drapers' Pyrgo Priory 3
Drapers' Pyrgo Priory 7
Drapers' Pyrgo Priory 1
Drapers' Pyrgo Priory 12
Drapers' Pyrgo Priory 6

Medicines and Valuables

Accidents and Emergencies

If for any reason your child is taken ill during the school day or has an accident, it may be necessary to contact you urgently. Please make sure you keep the School Office informed of any change of address, telephone number, place of work, hours of work and mobile / work telephone number. New parents will be asked to complete a form that asks for this information. If you or your emergency contact cannot be reached immediately and your child requires hospitalisation a member of staff will accompany your child to the local hospital and will wait there with your child until one of you arrives.

If you are registered with ParentMail you will also need to complete a new registration form. Forms are available at the School Office.


Drapers’ Pyrgo Priory School is acting upon guidance regarding administering any medication in schools. Please note that school staff are recommended not to administer any medication unless it is prescribed by a Doctor or GP. Medication must be in the original packaging with the prescribed label attached showing the child’s name and dosage. Written parental agreement for the school to administer medicine is required, the form is available at the school office. Antibiotics will only be administered if required 4 times a day.

Parents of children who are known asthmatics or diabetic should bring in medication as above which will be kept in the classroom.


No valuables, toys or mobile phones should be brought to school. Year 6 pupils require written parental permission to walk home alone, forms are available at the school office. Children with permission are able to bring in a mobile phone which must be handed in each morning to be stored securely and returned at home time.

  • Smart watches or fitness trackers are not permitted for safeguarding reasons.
  • In line with all MAT Schools, jewellery is not to be worn in any of our schools.